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nutrition + wellness

Learn and practice the skills and habits needed to make a sustainable change in your health and fitness goals that will last a lifetime!

kelton stecklein

meet your coaches

jillian stecklein

Doctor of Physical Therapy, Nutrition Coach 

Kelton graduated from Kansas State with a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiolgy and minor in Leadership Studies. He completed his Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Regis University. In addition, Kelton is also a Nutrition Coach, certified through Precision Nutrition

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Jillian graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelors of Science in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Psychology. She completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

how it works

We are PT’s! We want to empower our patients utilizing our expert education, guidance, and accountability to become independent in the lifestyle and habit choices that will help them reach their goals and keep what they have worked for! There are no diets, calorie counting, or highly processed supplements or foods that make people "magically" lose weight or reach a health goal. We PRACTICE implementing lifestyle choices and small habits that make BIG changes!


Utilizing software powered by ProCoach, Kelton and Jill personally coach clients remotely through a set practice-based curriculum tailored to gender, age, body composition, and goals! Once clients have access to the software, they will receive daily lessons/activity, accessible 24/7 on any device.

Nutrition Habits:
The lessons (in blog format), assignments (easy to type responses to our coaching questions), and habit practices (with check ins for accountability) are automatically sent to your dashboard. YOU choose when/where to complete for the day!

Exercise Habits:
Clients receive 3-4 workouts per week prescribed just for you!


Each day, clients even have the choice to choose:

1. Full gym workout
2. At home workout (minimal equipment)
3. Quick workout (don't have much time)
4. I'm doing my own workout today


*This allows clients to get MORE ACTIVE without feeling down they can't participate in an extensive routine everyday- because that just becomes overwhelming!

what you get

With our Nutrition and Wellness Program, you will work remotely, one-on-one with Kelton Stecklein in order to create a long-term lifestyle change. Whether you are concerned with weight management, improving your nutrition for energy or healing, or to just improve your quality of life- we have the tools and skills to help you reach your goals. Plans and coaching are tailored to your needs.


You will also work remotely one-on-one with Jill Stecklein to put your nutrition knowledge into practice! Learn how to meal plan, budget, and/or cook delicious and healthy meals so you are equipped for long-term success with your new habits.



*rate for 12 month program with a minimum 3 month commitment

powered by Precision Nutrition's ProCoach.


Jill and Kelton are seasoned in guiding you at your own individual pace and working though all personal barriers that have previously stopped you from achieving your wellness goals!


â–ºDAILY access to ProCoach software, your dashboard, and online resources!

â–ºDAILY lessons sent directly to your favorite device!

â–º3 - 4 workouts a week prescribed just for your level of ability and goals!

â–ºBi-weekly habit-change exercises to practice!

â–º2 coaches to help you every step of the way!




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